Orders and shipping

Any of the items in our store can be purchased using secure credit card, Paypal payment, bank prepayment or Cash on Delivery via UPS. When we receive your order, you will automatically receive a confirmation email. Once we receive your payment, we will strive towards shipping the article on the same working day and we will provide you with an emailed invoice at the end of the day. When you purchase one or more articles, you can create an account on our site (this is not required). With this account, you can follow the current status of your order and view your order history.
Shipment takes place through UPS express services within 2-3 working days within the EU. We will email you a track and trace number, meaning that you can follow the item’s progress online. Shipping is free of charge on all orders over 250 Euros.
NOTE for customers outside The Netherlands:
- Consumers within the EU always pay 21% VAT
- For customers, within the EU, not in NL, with a business and valid VAT number there is the possibility to make an order without VAT according to EU regulations. Click here for instructions. In retrospect we cannot correct the VAT.
- Customers outside the EU, both consumer and business always pay 0% VAT, this is automatically handled via the webshop.